Monday, September 24, 2012

We will be having our first math test this Thursday. It will be on what we have covered so far in Unit 1. In short, the test is very vocab heavy. The students need to know what line segments, lines, and rays are as well the differences between them and how they are named. There will also be a section on properly categorizing and identifying shapes.

A review sheet went home tonight as homework that should properly cover the span of the contenet for this assessment. Please make sure you're using the great online resources we have available also.

Family Letter: This shows what is part of Unit 1

Everyday Math Online:

Friday, September 21, 2012

This is my first post since Back to School Night and my first time using this blog for parent communication. I chose to use this service because not only will you receive emails when I post, but you can always reference this site for dates, notes, and past updates, as opposed to digging through old emails. If you subscribe, then all posts will automatically be sent to you.

Hopefully this post has also come through as an email. If you can, please forward the email to me at:

Here is my PowerPoint Presentation from that night:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


We are off to start another Open House tonight. I was very excited to start this year. My excitement increased once I was able to meet all of the amazing students in my class. They are a very smart, respectful, kind, and dedicated group. It is going to be a great year.

I plan on using this blog to post upcoming notices about tests, assignments, and special events. Please make sure you subscribe (look to your right). This way you will get an email sent to you with every post. Please explore the links to the right. I have been able to gather a great group of resources for our classroom.

Here are some resources of note:

Homework - You can acess this online homework book everyday to double check homework assignments.

Workbooks - If your child forgets either his Practice O, Grammar, Spelling, and/or Study Link, they can access them online here:

Everyday Math Online - This is new this year. Your student can find examples, word meanings, and play games that involve the daily math lesson.

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that rise.

michaelcarroll [at]

- Mike