Monday, November 5, 2012

After Hurricane Sandy

Hopefully everyone and their homes are in good health after Hurricane Sandy. For all the time the students had off, they were very focused, respectful, and worked hard today. I have also heard that their behavior for the sub was the same. Thank you to any parent that helped. As Ms. Greene always say, we are better together.

We are very close to earning our class party! We do have a lot of "catch up" to play since our marking period is coming to an end soon.

Bryn Mawr Film Institute

I was out on Friday, and unfortunately missed Halloween (I did see some pictures and heard great reports), for training on a new writing initiative we are undertaking. Our fourth grade class will be participating in the See-Hear-Feel-Film program. This program uses films as a way to explore writing. The program is short and will be a more creative approach to the writing assignments we will already be doing. This program will be kicked off with a field trip to Bryn Mawr Film Inst. on Nov. 29th.

Here is some more info:

American Ed/Veteran's Day Assembly

Because of the hurricane, we will be postponing the assembly until Nov. 19th at 2. As of now, we only have a few participants. If you have a veteran in your family, please invite them into our school so we can honor them as well as learn from them. I will be sending some more info about this shortly.

Social Studies Test

The new date for our Social Studies Test is Thursday, Nov. 8th.

Science Test

We will be having a Science Test soon; I will be able to choose a date once we figure a few things out schedule wise. We reviewed today and they students seemed to have a firm grasp on the content. They have a study guide in their binders. I'll give everyone the date soon.

Gold Card Night is 11/14

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