Thursday, September 12, 2013


The night's homework can always be found online. You can click the link to the right that says "Homework," or the one below. I'd recommend book marking it.
Homework Page:
If you scroll down, you will find links to all practice books. Through you can access all study links. The expectation is still that the students remember to copy down their homework and bring the proper books home. This is for you, the parents & guardians, in an effort to make your life easier.
Over these last few days I have talked a lot with the students about being organized and responsible. Today your child came home with all of their math study links. All of these pages should be in the math section of their binder.
For the spelling homework I am going to try something new this year. I'm going to assign the whole week's worth of homework on Monday. The students can do a page a day, all of it Monday night, or schedule it around after-school activities. Whatever best fits your/their schedule. I did stress to the students not to put it all off to Thursday night.
Also, our specials for this year are:
Monday - Art
Tuesday - Music
Wednesday - Library
Thursday - Computers & Gym
Friday - None
Look forward to meeting everyone on Sept. 17 at our Open House and/or on Friday at our Back to School Picnic which was rescheduled for Sept 20th.

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