Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Book Report

Yesterday I explained the details about our upcoming book report. I have been asking the students for a few weeks now to find an accelerated reader book and start reading it. Here is a list of all the accelerated reader books in our school library. The students should only pick a book if it is one this list:

In short, the students will be writing a postcard from the point of view of the main character in the book to the student. So, if you're reading Harry Potter, you would be writing a postcard from Harry Potter to you (Example: Dear Mr. Carroll... From Harry Potter).

The students will also be taking an accelerated reader quiz that will count as 10 points towards their book report grade.

I have given the students two postcard templates, one on thick card stock and one regular piece. Use the regular piece for a rough draft and the thick card stock piece as your final draft.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns. I have attached all of the documents that the students went home with yesterday.

The book report is due Feb. 8th. I will accept book reports Monday, Feb 11th. After that the students will lose points for each day it is late.

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