Monday, January 14, 2013

The New Year

Hello Everyone,

I'm ready to make sure that we have a great new year and a great rest of our school year. Coming up we have a lot of fun things to look forward to.

Math Test Friday

We are having our Unit 5 Math Test on Friday. Review sheets will be going home later this week. Please use the Unit 5 Family Letter to better understand the content that will be covered.

Family Letter:


The students should be familiar with lattice and partial product multiplication:


partial product:

More examples:

Then click on free resources -> algorithms in Everyday Math -> 4 -> Multiplication

Science PSSA Test Friday

Our Science PSSA test is Friday. Attached is a study guide.

Book Report

More information next week.

Multiplication Trials

We will be taking a daily mixed practice multiplication test in class. If the students need to be able to complete the test in 3 minutes and with 100% accurate. If they don't, they will have a multiplication table to fill out for homework that night. We are doing division in our next math unit so multiplication needs to be a solid skill by then.

Reading Olympics
We are about to start getting more serious about Reading Olympics. Expect some papers home in the near future.

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