Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Math Test Friday & More

Math Test Friday

The students have been preparing for our math test this Friday. Today we started our self-assessment and math box assessment. Most didn't finish. That will be going home tomorrow and need to be signed. These are not for a grade, but rather to illuminate areas where we need to improve before the test. Please review them when they come home.


In addition to the flashcards, here are a few more tools to help study. A majority of this assessment is about understanding, writing, and using data from/for a graph. Here are a few fun interactive games that might help your students while preparing. Please also use your Student Reference Book on There are more games if you click on Math Resources on my blog also.

This is a fun action pack game about mean, median, mode, and range. Median, mode, and range are large focuses for this assessment.

Interpreting Data
This is a simple, but fun game where you have to interpret data.

Estimating Game
I enjoy this game a lot; the kids do too. The goal is to quickly estimate the answer to the addition problem (select add 100s). You don't need to be accurate, just make a ballpark estimate.

Unit 3
Feel free to take a sneak peek at Unit 3 -

Social Studies Test October 30th

The students will be getting a study guide for this shortly.

Reading Olympics

Many students signed up for Reading Olympics which is great! Reading Olympics is a competition that the students train for all year by reading books off of a specific list. Towards the end of the year, we will go to a competition where we will be asked to answer basic questions about these books. It is truly a fun and special time that is more rewarding the more effort you put into it. There should have been a green paper that went home recently about this. Please contact me if you didn't receive this. You need to sign up to participate.
Here is this year's list:

Halloween Permission Slips

I'm still missing a few Halloween permission slips. Your child will not be able to participate in our Halloween parade if they do not have the permission slip. If you need another one, please ask. If you do not want your child to participate, there will be an alternative activity for them, but please return the form.

Spelling Test Friday

This will be our last spelling test in Unit 1. Next week we will not have a spelling test, but we will have our Unit Test. I'll give everyone more info on that shortly.

Real World Daily Edits

I'm trying to start something new this year by encouraging students to find grammar errors outside of the classroom. If your student find one, they can do one of two things: take a picture of it if there is a camera or smart phone available or write down the grammatically incorrect text and where they found it. Either one is fine. I'm going collect the pictures on my blog as examples of common real world grammar errors. Errors in your little brother or sisters homework doesn't count. Here is an example  where they are missing an apostrophe (this was sent to me, but they are not related):

Sorry for the long post. That is everything, for now... :-)

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