Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Science PSSA Test Date Change

PSSA Science Test is changed to Wednesday, October 17th. 

This was done to give the students more time to student. As I said before, these tests are historically challenging for students. You need to not only study, but be able to apply the knowledge learned too.

I have created a set of flashcards you can use for studying. These flashcards can be used to learn the terms and also to play games with. I think they can be accessed by a smart phone via a free app from Quizlet. If you use this, tell me what you think.

Study Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/106eSCuAUj8dhSM3JRaqpsRPy0R_d-LMGiUEzW1Exn0g/edit

Flashcards: http://quizlet.com/_8vkqs

I have embedded this link to study, but if you click on the link above, you will be able to play some games with the words.

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